EAGLE library for 16X2 and 20X4 LCDs

These are the parts that I have used for quite some time for all circuit boards I designed that have LCDs. Free for the grab but please check the dimension of your LCD before using them as some suppliers have smaller/larger mounting holes and not all LCDs have the holes at the same locations. Some parts have only 3 mounting holes since the bottom right corner of the LCD would be right above the GPS connector on phi-2 shields. The 16X2 LCD with connectors on bottom left have been used for some projects too.

Link: http://code.google.com/p/phi-prompt-user-interface-library/downloads/detail?name=HD44780LCD.lbr&can=2&q=#makechanges

Laser cut primer


phi-panel backpack 20X4 rotary encoder keypad front angle held

This may be too simple for anyone that has done laser cutting but for anyone not knowing about it or just learned the term, it will hopefully lead you to actually making some some with laser cut. I have been using ponoko.com service for about 2 years and can recommend them to anyone just doing small batches of laser cut. All my phi-panel face plates have been cut at ponoko.com by the way. Take a look at them in my store on inmojo.com or at ponoko.com

Here is the primer:

Laser cutting front panels