Q/A UART version adapters

Q: I plan to integrate your adapters to my own controller, not a PC or raspberry pi USB port. Does your UART version adapter have all necessary resistors and no USB chip to interfere with the UART port? How do you make connection between the UART adapter and my own controller?

A: Yes, all necessary resistors are in place for the UART version of the adapter and the USB chip is not on the chip to interfere.
Here are some of the points:

  1. The adapter has a 6-pin header that is soldered underneath the adapter to avoid making jumper wires from being vertical, which takes extra space, or from going over the optional A/D header.
  2. The adapter requires 5V and GND to be supplied to it since it doesn’t have the 5V and GND from the USB connector. SDI-12 has 5V logic levels so the 5V supply.
  3. The 6-pin header has GND, TX_3V (back of board), 5V, RX, TX_5V, RST from left to right. This is where you power the adapter and connect to its serial port. RST is reset. Unless you want the option to reset the adapter, you can leave it disconnected. Reset is 5V logic.
  4. If your controller is 3.3V logic (ESP32, raspberry pi serial pins, rp2040 etc), connect your controller TX to adapter RX, then your controller RX to adapter TX_3V.
  5. If your controller is 5V logic (Arduino UNO, MEGA2560 etc), connect your controller TX to adapter RX, then your controller RX to adapter TX_5V.